What is Spiral?
Spiral is a powerful 8 week process for clearing emotional baggage and behavioural patterning. You can dissolve a lifetime of inherited conditioning from your parents, past relationships, and society. It enables you to get out of your own way and begin to create the life you want to have – stepping into your true authentic self.
Created by Dane Thomas in 2012, Spiral clears 22 of the most powerful emotional triggers for the human psyche. You will no longer be easily triggered by relationship dynamics, wealth, self worth, self expression and sexuality. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, and let go of the past.
What makes Spiral different?
Unlike methods that aim to change your thinking processes on a mental level (coaching, affirmations, visualisations), Spiral delves deeper into the body’s energy field and releases the emotional blocks held within the body. Spiral is a deeper and more effective process for healing emotional baggage and dropping behavioural conditioning than general Kinesiology methods.
What are the benefits of Spiral?
Through each level of Spiral you get to the root of your emotions and clear each of them. This enables you to move forward without the past holding you back from fulfilling your full potential.
The spiral allows you to

Clear Emotional Baggage

Find Deeper Self Love

Clear societal conditioning

Have greater intimacy with others

Raise Self Worth

Express your creative side

Find Life's Purpose

Express your business dreams
The 8 Levels of Spiral
Level 1 – Theme: Deserving
Emotions – Shame, guilt and dogma
Benefits – Increasing self worth, reducing self criticism
Level 2 – Theme: Creativity
Emotions – Fear, greif, paralysed will
Benefits – Deeper connections with feelings
Level 3 – Theme: Power
Emotions – Pride, anger, desire
Benefits – Increasing independence and personal power
Level 4 – Theme: Openness
Emotions – Reason, acceptance, love
Benefits – More self love and acceptance and love for others
Level 5 – Theme: Expression
Emotions – Anxiety, confidence, LSE
Benefits – Stepping into leadership and vocation
Level 6 – Theme: Vision
Emotions – Trust, truth, receptivity
Benefits – Clarity of vision, trusting self and the universe
Level 7 – Theme: Purpose
Emotions – Peace, joy, enlightenment, purpose
Benefits – Access to higher states and higher purpose
Level 8 – Full Alignment structurally, mentally, energetically and spiritually